PartMC  2.6.1
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
aero_mode.F90 File Reference

The pmc_aero_mode module. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Types

type  pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_t
 An aerosol size distribution mode. More...


module  pmc_aero_mode
 The aero_mode_t structure and associated subroutines.


character(len=aero_mode_type_len) function pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_to_string (type)
 Return a string representation of a kernel type. More...
real(kind=dp) function pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_total_num_conc (aero_mode)
 Returns the total number concentration of a mode. (#/m^3) More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::num_conc_log_normal (total_num_conc, geom_mean_radius, log10_sigma_g, bin_grid, num_conc)
 Compute a log-normal distribution. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::vol_conc_log_normal (total_num_conc, geom_mean_radius, log10_sigma_g, bin_grid, aero_data, vol_conc)
 Compute a log-normal distribution in volume. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::num_conc_exp (total_num_conc, radius_at_mean_vol, bin_grid, aero_data, num_conc)
 Exponential distribution in volume. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::vol_conc_exp (total_num_conc, radius_at_mean_vol, bin_grid, aero_data, vol_conc)
 Exponential distribution in volume. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::num_conc_mono (total_num_conc, radius, bin_grid, num_conc)
 Mono-disperse distribution. Normalized so that sum(num_conc(k) * log_width) = 1. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::vol_conc_mono (total_num_conc, radius, bin_grid, aero_data, vol_conc)
 Mono-disperse distribution in volume. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::num_conc_sampled (sample_radius, sample_num_conc, bin_grid, num_conc)
 Sampled distribution, not normalized. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::vol_conc_sampled (sample_radius, sample_num_conc, bin_grid, aero_data, vol_conc)
 Sampled distribution in volume. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_num_conc (aero_mode, bin_grid, aero_data, num_conc)
 Return the binned number concentration for an aero_mode. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_vol_conc (aero_mode, bin_grid, aero_data, vol_conc)
 Return the binned per-species volume concentration for an aero_mode. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_weighted_sampled_num_conc (aero_mode, aero_weight, weighted_num_conc)
 Compute weighted sampled number concentrations. More...
real(kind=dp) function pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_number (aero_mode, aero_weight)
 Return the total number of computational particles for an aero_mode. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_sample_radius (aero_mode, aero_data, aero_weight, radius)
 Return a radius randomly sampled from the mode distribution. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_sample_vols (aero_mode, total_vol, vols)
 Return an array of volumes randomly sampled from the volume fractions. More...
integer function pmc_aero_mode::pmc_mpi_pack_size_aero_mode (val)
 Determines the number of bytes required to pack the given value. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::pmc_mpi_pack_aero_mode (buffer, position, val)
 Packs the given value into the buffer, advancing position. More...
subroutine pmc_aero_mode::pmc_mpi_unpack_aero_mode (buffer, position, val)
 Unpacks the given value from the buffer, advancing position. More...


integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_name_len = 300
 Maximum length of a mode name. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_len = 20
 Maximum length of a mode type. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_invalid = 0
 Type code for an undefined or invalid mode. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_log_normal = 1
 Type code for a log-normal mode. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_exp = 2
 Type code for an exponential mode. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_mono = 3
 Type code for a mono-disperse mode. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_type_sampled = 4
 Type code for a sampled mode. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_diam_type_invalid = 0
 Type code for an undefined for invalid diameter type. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_diam_type_geometric = 1
 Type code for geometric diameter. More...
integer, parameter pmc_aero_mode::aero_mode_diam_type_mobility = 2
 Type code for mobility equivalent diameter. More...

Detailed Description

The pmc_aero_mode module.

Definition in file aero_mode.F90.