PartMC  2.6.1
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
condense.F90 File Reference

The pmc_condense module. More...

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Data Types

type  pmc_condense::condense_rates_inputs_t
 Internal-use structure for storing the inputs for the rate-calculation function. More...
type  pmc_condense::condense_rates_outputs_t
 Internal-use structure for storing the outputs from the rate-calculation function. More...


module  pmc_condense
 Water condensation onto aerosol particles.


subroutine pmc_condense::condense_particles (aero_state, aero_data, env_state_initial, env_state_final, del_t)
 Do condensation to all the particles for a given time interval, including updating the environment to account for the lost water vapor. More...
subroutine pmc_condense::condense_rates (inputs, outputs)
 Compute the rate of change of particle diameter and relative humidity for a single particle, together with the derivatives of the rates with respect to the input variables. More...
subroutine pmc_condense::condense_equilib_particle (env_state, aero_data, aero_particle)
 Determine the water equilibrium state of a single particle. More...
subroutine pmc_condense::condense_equilib_particles (env_state, aero_data, aero_state)
 Call condense_equilib_particle() on each particle in the aerosol to ensure that every particle has its water content in equilibrium. More...


logical, parameter pmc_condense::condense_do_test_jac_solve = .false.
 Whether to numerically test the Jacobian-solve function during execution (for debugging only). More...
logical, parameter pmc_condense::condense_do_test_counts = .false.
 Whether to print call-counts for helper routines during execution (for debugging only). More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_success = 0
 Result code indicating successful completion. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_init_y = 1
 Result code indicating failure to allocate y vector. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_init_abstol = 2
 Result code indicating failure to allocate abstol vector. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_init_cvode_mem = 3
 Result code indicating failure to create the solver. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_init_cvode = 4
 Result code indicating failure to initialize the solver. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_svtol = 5
 Result code indicating failure to set tolerances. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_set_max_steps = 6
 Result code indicating failure to set maximum steps. More...
integer, parameter pmc_condense::pmc_condense_solver_fail = 7
 Result code indicating failure of the solver. More...
type(aero_data_t) pmc_condense::condense_saved_aero_data
 Internal-use variable for storing the aerosol data during calls to the ODE solver. More...
type(env_state_t) pmc_condense::condense_saved_env_state_initial
 Internal-use variable for storing the initial environment state during calls to the ODE solver. More...
real(kind=dp) pmc_condense::condense_saved_tdot
 Internal-use variable for storing the rate of change of the temperature during calls to the ODE solver. More...
real(kind=dp) pmc_condense::condense_saved_pdot
 Internal-use variable for storing the rate of change of the pressure during calls to the ODE solver. More...
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable pmc_condense::condense_saved_kappa
 Internal-use variable for storing the per-particle kappa values during calls to the ODE solver. More...
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable pmc_condense::condense_saved_d_dry
 Internal-use variable for storing the per-particle dry diameters during calls to the ODE solver. More...
real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable pmc_condense::condense_saved_num_conc
 Internal-use variable for storing the per-particle number concentrations during calls to the ODE solver. More...
integer, save pmc_condense::condense_count_vf
 Internal-use variable for counting calls to the vector field subroutine. More...
integer, save pmc_condense::condense_count_solve
 Internal-use variable for counting calls to the Jacobian-solving subroutine. More...

Detailed Description

The pmc_condense module.

Definition in file condense.F90.