PartMC  2.6.1
Output File Format: Aerosol Binned Sectional State

Write full state.

[in]aero_binnedAero_binned to write.
[in]ncidNetCDF file ID, in data mode.
[in]bin_gridbin_grid structure.
[in]aero_dataaero_data structure.

The aerosol size distributions (number and mass) are stored on a logarmithmic grid (see the Output File Format: Diameter Bin Grid Data section). To compute the total number or mass concentration, compute the sum over i of aero_number_concentration(i) * aero_diam_widths(i), for example.

The aerosol binned sectional state uses the aero_species NetCDF dimension as specified in the Output File Format: Aerosol Material Data section, as well as the aero_diam NetCDF dimension specified in the Output File Format: Diameter Bin Grid Data section.

The aerosol binned sectional state NetCDF variables are:

  • aero_number_concentration (unit 1/m^3, dim aero_diam): the number size distribution for the aerosol population, $ dN(r)/d\ln r $, per bin
  • aero_mass_concentration (unit kg/m^3, dim dimid_aero_diam x dimid_aero_species): the mass size distribution for the aerosol population, $ dM(r,s)/d\ln r $, per bin and per species