PartMC  2.6.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ! Copyright (C) 2009-2012, 2016 Matthew West
2 ! Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or (at your
3 ! option) any later version. See the file COPYING for details.
5 !> \file
6 !> The numeric_diff program.
8 !> Compare two files containing numerical arrays and check whether they
9 !> are the same as each other, to within the specified tolerance.
10 !>
11 !> If the arrays in the two files are of different sizes then they are
12 !> automatically different. Otherwise they are the same if
13 !> \f[ | A_1 - A_2 |_2 < \verb+abs_tol+ \f]
14 !> and
15 !> \f[ \frac{| A_1 - A_2 |_2}{| A_1 |_2 + | A_2 |_2}
16 !> < \verb+rel_tol+ \f]
17 !> and are otherwise different. Setting \c abs_tol or \c rel_tol to zero
18 !> skips the corresponding test.
19 !>
20 !> If the files are the same then "<tt>files match within the given
21 !> tolerances</tt>" is printed on stdout, otherwise "<tt>files
22 !> differ</tt>" is printed, followed by the absolute and relative
23 !> differences, as above, or a message describing the difference. The
24 !> files will be reported as different if they have a different
25 !> pattern of end-of-lines and end-of-files, or if they have
26 !> whitespace in different places (amount of whitespace is
27 !> irrelevant).
28 !>
29 !> The exit status of the program is:
30 !> \li 0 if the files are the same
31 !> \li 1 if the files are different
32 !> \li 3 if an error occurred
33 program numeric_diff
35  use pmc_util
36  use pmc_mpi
37  use getopt_m
39  integer, parameter :: by_array = 1
40  integer, parameter :: by_row = 2
41  integer, parameter :: by_col = 3
42  integer, parameter :: by_elem = 4
44  integer, parameter :: norm_one = 1
45  integer, parameter :: norm_two = 2
46  integer, parameter :: norm_sup = 3
48  character(len=PMC_MAX_FILENAME_LEN) :: filename1, filename2
49  integer :: by, norm, min_row, max_row, min_col, max_col, n_row, n_col
50  real(kind=dp) :: abs_tol, rel_tol
51  real(kind=dp), allocatable, target, dimension(:,:) :: data1, data2
52  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: diff, norm1, abs_err, rel_err
53  real(kind=dp), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: use_data1, use_data2
54  type(option_s) :: opts(9)
56  call pmc_mpi_init()
58  opts(1) = option_s("help", .false., 'h')
59  opts(2) = option_s("abs-tol", .true., 't')
60  opts(3) = option_s("rel-tol", .true., 'T')
61  opts(4) = option_s("min-row", .true., 'r')
62  opts(5) = option_s("max-row", .true., 'R')
63  opts(6) = option_s("min-col", .true., 'c')
64  opts(7) = option_s("max-col", .true., 'C')
65  opts(8) = option_s("by", .true., 'b')
66  opts(9) = option_s("norm", .true., 'n')
68  abs_tol = 0d0
69  rel_tol = 0d0
70  min_row = 0
71  max_row = 0
72  min_col = 0
73  max_col = 0
74  by = by_array
75  norm = norm_two
77  do
78  select case(getopt("ht:T:r:R:c:C:pP", opts))
79  case(char(0))
80  exit
81  case('h')
82  call print_help()
83  stop
84  case('t')
85  abs_tol = string_to_real(optarg)
86  case('T')
87  rel_tol = string_to_real(optarg)
88  case('r')
89  min_row = string_to_integer(optarg)
90  case('R')
91  max_row = string_to_integer(optarg)
92  case('c')
93  min_col = string_to_integer(optarg)
94  case('C')
95  max_col = string_to_integer(optarg)
96  case('b')
97  select case(optarg)
98  case('array')
99  by = by_array
100  case('row')
101  by = by_row
102  case('col')
103  by = by_col
104  case('elem')
105  by = by_elem
106  case default
107  call die_msg(526174645, "unknown --by argument: " // trim(optarg))
108  end select
109  case('n')
110  select case(optarg)
111  case('one')
112  norm = norm_one
113  case('two')
114  norm = norm_two
115  case('sup')
116  norm = norm_sup
117  case default
118  call die_msg(568020730, "unknown --norm argument: " // trim(optarg))
119  end select
120  case( '?' )
121  call die_msg(141541134, 'unknown option')
122  case default
123  call die_msg(816884701, 'unhandled option: ' // trim(optopt))
124  end select
125  end do
127  if (optind /= command_argument_count() - 1) then
128  call print_help()
129  call die_msg(142676480, &
130  'expected exactly two non-option prefix arguments')
131  end if
133  call get_command_argument(optind, filename1)
134  call get_command_argument(optind + 1, filename2)
136  allocate(data1(0,0))
137  allocate(data2(0,0))
138  call loadtxt(filename1, data1)
139  call loadtxt(filename2, data2)
141  if (min_row <= 0) then
142  min_row = 1
143  end if
144  if (max_row <= 0) then
145  call assert_msg(266216891, size(data1, 1) == size(data2, 1), &
146  "number of rows differs between input files")
147  max_row = size(data1, 1)
148  else
149  call assert_msg(136425118, max_row <= size(data1, 1), &
150  "max-row exceeds the number of rows in " // trim(filename1))
151  call assert_msg(279083405, max_row <= size(data2, 1), &
152  "max-row exceeds the number of rows in " // trim(filename2))
153  end if
155  if (min_col <= 0) then
156  min_col = 1
157  end if
158  if (max_col <= 0) then
159  call assert_msg(148743161, size(data1, 2) == size(data2, 2), &
160  "number of columns differs between input files")
161  max_col = size(data1, 2)
162  else
163  call assert_msg(884008689, max_col <= size(data1, 2), &
164  "max-col exceeds the number of columns in " // trim(filename1))
165  call assert_msg(553561214, max_col <= size(data2, 2), &
166  "max-col exceeds the number of columns in " // trim(filename2))
167  end if
169  use_data1 => data1(min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col)
170  use_data2 => data2(min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col)
172  n_row = max_row - min_row + 1
173  n_col = max_col - min_col + 1
174  diff = use_data1 - use_data2
176  select case(by)
177  case(by_array)
178  allocate(norm1(1, 1))
179  allocate(abs_err(1, 1))
180  select case(norm)
181  case(norm_one)
182  norm1(1, 1) = sum(abs(use_data1))
183  abs_err(1, 1) = sum(abs(diff))
184  case(norm_two)
185  norm1(1, 1) = sqrt(sum(use_data1**2))
186  abs_err(1, 1) = sqrt(sum(diff**2))
187  case(norm_sup)
188  norm1(1, 1) = maxval(abs(use_data1))
189  abs_err(1, 1) = maxval(abs(diff))
190  case default
191  call die(644692127)
192  end select
193  case(by_row)
194  allocate(norm1(size(diff, 1), 1))
195  allocate(abs_err(size(diff, 1), 1))
196  select case(norm)
197  case(norm_one)
198  norm1(:, 1) = sum(abs(use_data1), 2)
199  abs_err(:, 1) = sum(abs(diff), 2)
200  case(norm_two)
201  norm1(:, 1) = sqrt(sum(use_data1**2, 2))
202  abs_err(:, 1) = sqrt(sum(diff**2, 2))
203  case(norm_sup)
204  norm1(:, 1) = maxval(abs(use_data1), 2)
205  abs_err(:, 1) = maxval(abs(diff), 2)
206  case default
207  call die(698913943)
208  end select
209  case(by_col)
210  allocate(norm1(1, size(diff, 2)))
211  allocate(abs_err(1, size(diff, 2)))
212  select case(norm)
213  case(norm_one)
214  norm1(1, :) = sum(abs(use_data1), 1)
215  abs_err(1, :) = sum(abs(diff), 1)
216  case(norm_two)
217  norm1(1, :) = sqrt(sum(use_data1**2, 1))
218  abs_err(1, :) = sqrt(sum(diff**2, 1))
219  case(norm_sup)
220  norm1(1, :) = maxval(abs(use_data1), 1)
221  abs_err(1, :) = maxval(abs(diff), 1)
222  case default
223  call die(351454435)
224  end select
225  case(by_elem)
226  allocate(norm1(size(diff, 1), size(diff, 2)))
227  allocate(abs_err(size(diff, 1), size(diff, 2)))
228  norm1(:, :) = abs(use_data1)
229  abs_err(:, :) = abs(diff)
230  case default
231  call die(681575403)
232  end select
234  if (.not. allocated(norm1)) then
235  allocate(norm1(0,0)) ! prevent uninitialized warnings
236  end if
238  allocate(rel_err(size(abs_err, 1), size(abs_err, 2)))
239  where (norm1 > 0d0)
240  rel_err = abs_err / norm1
241  elsewhere
242  rel_err = 0d0
243  end where
245  if ((abs_tol <= 0d0) .and. (rel_tol <= 0d0)) then
246  call print_errors(abs_err, rel_err)
247  elseif (((abs_tol <= 0d0) .or. all(abs_err < abs_tol)) &
248  .and. ((rel_tol <= 0d0) .or. all(rel_err < rel_tol))) then
249  write(*,'(a)') 'files match within the given relative tolerance'
250  else
251  write(*,'(a)') 'files differ'
252  call print_errors(abs_err, rel_err)
253  stop 1
254  end if
256  call pmc_mpi_finalize()
258 contains
260 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
262  subroutine print_help()
264  write(*,'(a)') 'Usage: numeric_diff [options] <reference_file> <test_file>'
265  write(*,'(a)') ''
266  write(*,'(a)') 'options are:'
267  write(*,'(a)') ' -h, --help Print this help message.'
268  write(*,'(a)') ' -t, --abs-tol <N> Absolute error tolerance.'
269  write(*,'(a)') ' -T, --rel-tol <N> Relative error tolerance.'
270  write(*,'(a)') ' -r, --min-row <N> Minimum row number of data to use.'
271  write(*,'(a)') ' -R, --max-row <N> Maximum row number of data to use.'
272  write(*,'(a)') ' -c, --min-col <N> Minimum column number of data to ' &
273  // 'use.'
274  write(*,'(a)') ' -C, --max-col <N> Maximum column number of data to ' &
275  // 'use.'
276  write(*,'(a)') ' -b, --by <S> Compute error by <S>. <S> is one ' &
277  // 'of "array", "row",'
278  write(*,'(a)') ' "col", or "elem". Default: "array".'
279  write(*,'(a)') ' -n, --norm <S> Compute error with norm <S>. <S> ' &
280  // 'is one of "one",'
281  write(*,'(a)') ' "two", or "sup". Default: "two".'
282  write(*,'(a)') ''
283  write(*,'(a)') 'Examples:'
284  write(*,'(a)') ' numeric_diff --rel-tol 1e-3 ref_data.txt test_data.txt'
285  write(*,'(a)') ' numeric_diff --by col --rel-tol 1e-6 --min-col 2 ' &
286  // 'ref_data.txt test_data.txt'
287  write(*,'(a)') ''
289  end subroutine print_help
291 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
293  subroutine print_errors(abs_err, rel_err)
295  !> Absolute errors.
296  real(kind=dp) :: abs_err(:,:)
297  !> Relative errors.
298  real(kind=dp) :: rel_err(:,:)
300  integer :: i_row, i_col
301  character(len=3) :: advance
303  call assert(434301862, (size(abs_err, 1) == size(rel_err, 1)) &
304  .and. (size(abs_err, 2) == size(rel_err, 2)))
306  if ((size(abs_err, 1) == 1) .and. (size(abs_err, 2) <= 5)) then
307  advance = 'no'
308  else
309  advance = 'yes'
310  end if
312  write(*,'(a)', advance=advance) 'absolute error: '
313  do i_row = 1,size(abs_err, 1)
314  do i_col = 1,size(abs_err, 2)
315  write(*, '(e12.3)', advance='no') abs_err(i_row, i_col)
316  end do
317  write(*,'(a)') ''
318  end do
319  write(*,'(a)', advance=advance) 'relative error: '
320  do i_row = 1,size(abs_err, 1)
321  do i_col = 1,size(abs_err, 2)
322  write(*, '(e12.3)', advance='no') rel_err(i_row, i_col)
323  end do
324  write(*,'(a)') ''
325  end do
327  if ((size(abs_err, 1) > 1) .or. (size(abs_err, 2) > 1)) then
328  write(*, '(a,e12.3)') 'maximum absolute error: ', maxval(abs_err)
329  write(*, '(a,e12.3)') 'maximum relative error: ', maxval(rel_err)
330  end if
332  end subroutine print_errors
334 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
336 end program numeric_diff
subroutine pmc_mpi_init()
Initialize MPI.
Definition: mpi.F90:56
Wrapper functions for MPI.
Definition: mpi.F90:13
character function getopt(optstring, longopts)
Definition: getopt.F90:132
subroutine die_msg(code, error_msg)
Error immediately.
Definition: util.F90:134
integer, parameter dp
Kind of a double precision real number.
Definition: constants.F90:12
character(len=80) optarg
Definition: getopt.F90:92
subroutine assert(code, condition_ok)
Errors unless condition_ok is true.
Definition: util.F90:103
integer function string_to_integer(string)
Convert a string to an integer.
Definition: util.F90:688
subroutine pmc_mpi_finalize()
Shut down MPI.
Definition: mpi.F90:89
Definition: getopt.F90:97
subroutine assert_msg(code, condition_ok, error_msg)
Errors unless condition_ok is true.
Definition: util.F90:77
Definition: getopt.F90:90
subroutine loadtxt(filename, data)
Load a real array from a text file.
Definition: util.F90:1333
Common utility subroutines.
Definition: util.F90:9
integer optind
Definition: getopt.F90:94
subroutine die(code)
Error immediately.
Definition: util.F90:122
character optopt
Definition: getopt.F90:93
subroutine print_errors(abs_err, rel_err)
Definition: numeric_diff.F90:294
subroutine print_help()
Definition: extract_aero_particles.F90:109
real(kind=dp) function string_to_real(string)
Convert a string to a real.
Definition: numeric_average.F90:108
program numeric_diff
Compare two files containing numerical arrays and check whether they are the same as each other,...
Definition: numeric_diff.F90:33