PartMC  2.6.1
Sectional Model Simulation

Run a sectional code simulation.

[in,out]fileSpec file.

See Input File Format: Spec File Format for the input file text format.

A sectional simulation spec file has the parameters:


 run_type sectional              # sectional code run
 output_prefix brown_sect        # prefix of output files
 t_max 86400                     # total simulation time (s)
 del_t 60                        # timestep (s)
 t_output 3600                   # output interval (0 disables) (s)
 t_progress 600                  # progress printing interval (0 disables) (s)
 n_bin 220                       # number of bins
 d_min 1e-10                     # minimum diameter (m)
 d_max 1e-4                      # maximum diameter (m)
 gas_data gas_data.dat           # file containing gas data
 aerosol_data aero_data.dat      # file containing aerosol data
 do_fractal no                   # whether to do fractal treatment
 aerosol_init aero_init_dist.dat # initial aerosol distribution
 temp_profile temp.dat           # temperature profile file
 height_profile height.dat       # height profile file
 gas_emissions gas_emit.dat      # gas emissions file
 gas_background gas_back.dat     # background gas mixing ratios file
 aero_emissions aero_emit.dat    # aerosol emissions file
 aero_background aero_back.dat   # aerosol background file
 rel_humidity 0.999              # initial relative humidity (1)
 pressure 1e5                    # initial pressure (Pa)
 latitude 0                      # latitude (degrees_north, -90 to 90)
 longitude 0                     # longitude (degrees_east, -180 to 180)
 altitude 0                      # altitude (m)
 start_time 0                    # start time (s since 00:00 UTC)
 start_day 1                     # start day of year (UTC)
 do_coagulation yes              # whether to do coagulation (yes/no)
 kernel brown                    # coagulation kernel